EPOCH Game Rules

Hack the AI and save humanity!

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📖 Game Rules

Game Flow

Players sit in a circle. The game is played in multiple rounds during which players try to avoid accumulating points. At the end of each round, the number of points for each player is noted and added to those of previous rounds. The game ends when one player reaches 100 points. The winner is the player with the fewest points. All other players lose the game. For a shorter game, you can set the maximum score to 50 points.

Deck Preparation

  1. Remove some Zero (0) cards and some Blockchain (14) cards. The deck should contain only four Zero (0) cards and two Blockchain (14) cards.
  2. Shuffle the cards and deal 4 to each player face down.
  3. Place the deck faced down in the middle. Draw an initial card and place it face up, forming the discard pile.

Round Flow

  1. Each player places their 4 cards in a square in front of them. To start, each player discreetly looks at two of their cards and places them back face down in the same spot.
  2. The player to the dealer's left goes first. On your turn, you can:
    1. Draw a card and either:
      1. Swap it with one of your faced down cards
      2. Use its power
      3. Discard it
    2. Take the top card from the discard pile to replace one of your own cards.
    3. Flip one of your cards face-up or face-down.

End of Round

  1. When a player, at the end of their turn, thinks they have a point total less than or equal to 5, they announce "EPOCH!".
  2. Their game is then locked, and the other players each get one last turn.
  3. At the end, all cards are revealed, and the points are totaled. Add the points to your scoreboard.
  4. You cannot call EPOCH on your first turn

⚠️ Penalties

  • +15 points for a player who announces "EPOCH!" with more than 5 points in front of them.
  • +5 points for a player who announces a correct "EPOCH!" but has 5 points or less, while other players have fewer points.
  • An extra card for a player who tries to discard a card not matching the top of the discard pile. The player replaces the discarded card in their game and adds a new, unknown one from the draw pile.
  • An extra card for a player who reveals or looks at a card when they should not.
  • If you already have 4 cards, the penalty card is placed beside the others. If you have less than 4 cards, the penalty card fills one of the free slots.

🎴 Cards and Powers

Basic Cards (1-5)

Cards from 1 to 5 have no powers.

Action Cards (6-13)

Those from 6 to 13 are described below and on the card itself:

  • 6: Two versions:
    • Exchange a card between two opponents.
    • Mix two of your cards (or pretend to) and place them back.
  • 7: Look at one of your cards.
  • 8: Look at an opponent’s card.
  • 9: Look at one of your cards and the top card of the discard pile.
  • 10: Look at an opponent’s card and the top card of the discard pile.
  • 11: Exchange one of your cards with an opponent’s without looking.
  • 12: Look at an opponent’s card. You can decide to exchange it with one of yours.
  • 13: Four version: Flip one to 4 cards depending on the version of the cards.

Special Cards

Zero (0) Cards:

Zeroes each have their own power. Some apply if you play the card when you draw it, others take effect at the end of the round if the card is in your game. A Zero played for its power cannot be recovered from the discard pile by the next player.

Blockchain (14) Cards:

Blockchain cards have special capacities called "combos", which trigger if you possess cards 2, 3, and 4 along with the boss. If you meet these conditions, you can declare "EPOCH!". You will not suffer any points (as if your cards were worth 0), and your opponents will start the next round with penalties.

Singularity (15):

The Singularity is the most powerful card in the game. However, to fulfill its combo condition, you need to have 3 cards of the same value in addition to the Singularity. If you succeed, you can scream “EPOCH!” and your game will be worth 0 points, and you will benefit from its capacity in the next round.


Bitcoin (almost) to the moon: After players have looked at their cards, flip up to 2 cards for each of them.

Ethereum Transcendence: After distribution, look at as many cards as you want from all players.

The Joke Coin: Your opponents start the next round without looking at their cards.

Worthless APE: Your opponents start the next round with one additional card.

ℹ️ Rule Clarifications

Conflicting Card Capacities

In case of conflicts between character capacities, apply the following rules:

  • When multiple hero capacities contradict, choose the one you prefer.
  • A Blockchain card capacity always supersedes a Zero’s card capacity.

🎭 Game Theme and Clarifications

Cards Use and Description

Each card references items that are commonly found in IT and coding environments. The images in the game were generated with AI, reflecting the overarching theme of technology and artificial intelligence.

Additional Information on Card Terms

  • 404 Error: A common error meaning the requested page cannot be found on the server.
  • WIPI 3.14GHz: A humorous card referencing Wi-Fi frequencies and the number pi (3.14).
  • Phishing Attempt: A fraudulent effort to steal personal information by posing as a trustworthy source.
  • T-Horse: A Trojan horse virus in IT, similar to the Greek mythology story.
  • RAM Upgrade: Refers to enhancing your computer's performance by increasing its Random Access Memory.
  • Singularity and the number 42: An allusion to the film "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
  • The Joke Coin: A reference to Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency started as a joke.
  • Worthless APE: Relates to the Bored Ape Yacht Club, a prominent NFT collection that lost much of its value.

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

Can I declare "EPOCH!" on my first turn?

No, you must wait until at least your second turn to declare "EPOCH!"

What happens if I accidentally reveal a card?

You receive an extra penalty card. Place it face-down in your grid. It counts towards your total number of cards but you cannot look at it unless through a card power.

Can I discard a face-up (locked) card?

Only if the card's value matches the top card of the discard pile. Otherwise, you cannot discard locked cards unless a card power allows it.

How do I handle special combinations like Blockchain (14) or Singularity (15)?

If you meet the combo conditions (e.g., having specific cards), you may declare "EPOCH!" and your game is worth 0 points. Additional effects may apply to opponents in the next round.

What does it mean when a card is "locked"?

A face-up card is considered locked. It cannot be exchanged or replaced with another card. The only actions you can take with a locked card are to discard it (if it matches the discard pile) or flip it face-down again.